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Self-Evolved Leader

Episode 149: The Hows of Leadership in Uncertain Times

For many leaders the big question right now is HOW?…how do we move forward, how do we succeed in this current uncertainty, how do we motivate our teams, how do we come out the other side successfully? These are questions that can keep you awake at night. This week on Make It Right manufacturing leadership…

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Episode 98: Forego the Heroics – Leading for Team Empowerment

Helping others become the best versions of themselves is one of the key traits of a good leader, what leadership consultant Dave McKeown calls a self-evolved leader. By doing this you can open up your time to proactively plan the future of your business, to make creative and innovative decisions and to mentor and coach your people, to truly make a difference. This week on Make It Right Dave discusses the path to self-evolved leadership and how to get started.

Make It Right
Episode 98: Forego the Heroics - Leading for Team Empowerment


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Promo 98: Forego the Heroics – Leading for Team Empowerment

Dave McKeown explains the power of, and the path to, Self-Evolved Leadership this week on Make It Right. Full show coming April 3.

Make It Right
Promo 98: Forego the Heroics - Leading for Team Empowerment


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Episode 89: The Gains of Self-evolved & Aligned Leadership

Leadership advisors Dave McKeown and Kevin Snook discuss how their approaches to self-evolved and aligned leadership can help you elevate your focus so you can lead with purpose.

Make It Right
Episode 89: The Gains of Self-evolved & Aligned Leadership


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Promo Episode 89: The Gains of Self-evolved & Aligned Leadership

This week on the Make It Right podcast leadership advisors Dave McKeown and Kevin Snook discuss how to elevate your focus so you can lead with purpose. Full show Friday January 31.

Make It Right
Promo Episode 89: The Gains of Self-evolved & Aligned Leadership


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