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Mark Yudell

Episode 28: Culture & Its Impact on Communication Along Your Supply Chain

Communication without Comprehension is CHAOS. Even at the best of times communicating can be difficult. When you add in language and cultural differences it becomes very complex. This week on the Make It Right podcast Janet’s guest is Mark Yudell, President of Remy Chic. He has worked for years sourcing raw materials and working with manufacturing processes in multiple countries and he provides insights on how to engage in effective communications along the supply chain.

Make It Right
Episode 28: Culture & Its Impact on Communication Along Your Supply Chain
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Preview 28: Culture & Its Impact on Communications Along Your Supply Chain

Even at the best of times communicating can be difficult. When you add in language and cultural differences it becomes very complex. This week on the Make It Right podcast my guest is Mark Yudell, President of Remy Chic. He has worked for years sourcing raw materials and working with manufacturing processes in multiple countries and he provides insights on how to engage in effective communications along the supply chain. Full show coming Friday!

Make It Right
Preview 28: Culture & Its Impact on Communications Along Your Supply Chain
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